Роден през 1961 г. в Киев, Украйна.Завършва художествена гимназия в Киев, а по-късно Архитектурната академия в Киев (интериорен дизайн - 1978-1984). Голямо влияние върху изкуството ми изиграва творчеството на I. Bilibin . Въпреки това, в търсене на нещо ново и необичайно, той развива свой собствен стил. От 1993 г. Юрий Шевчук живее в Прага. Кариерата му като художник, е силно свързана с този град. В Прага Юрий Шевчук излага своето изкуство в множество галерии и се радва на голям успех.
Бързите акварелни скици, на джаз музиканти ни въвличат в колоритният и ярък свят на джаза. Чувате ли музиката в тези акварели?
Юрий Шевчук е несъмнено сред най-известните съвременни модерни художници от страните от Източна Европа, а от тези които живеят в Чешката република е един от най-добрите.

Born in 1961 in Kiev, Ukraine, the artist Yuriy Shevchuk has been drawing for as long, as he remembers. But at the Kiev Art School and later at Kiev Architectural Academy (Interior Design Studio 1978-1984) under the professional guidance and rigorous classic training he mastered his refined technique. While he was at the prestigious school became his shining examples are I. Bilibin one he regards until now. Nevertheless, searching for some thing new and unusual, he developed his own style. Shevchuk adopted principles of recording his own experiences showing a plentitude of feelings and emotions in this art. Since 1993 Yuriy Shevchuk has been living in Prague. His career as an artist firmly connected with this city of great artistic concentration, where he care, driving by his striking talent, as an already accomplished master full of artistic and intellectual energy. In Prague Yuriy Shevchuk exhibits widely (Rapid Gallery, R & K Gallery, Crazy Cow Gallery and more) and enjoys great success. Be witched with jazz music with the help of his rapid sketches in his studio the artist creates with his skillful hand and sensitive brush the cool and charming figures of musicians in their action, showing in this way the positive mood and stunning spiritual intensity of this magical show, a bright world of jazz. Clarity and harmony, refined colors delightful lines are features which describe Yuriy Shevchuk as a professional and attract the interest of sophisticated art lovers and music lovers as well. It is undoubted among the leading contemporary modern artist from East European countries living in Czech Republic the artist Yuriy Shevchuk is one of the BEST.
Юрий Шевчук