Eve Arnold |
На 4.01.2012 ,на 99 години, почина една от най великите фотографки на миналия век Ева Арнолд. Тя имаше редкият талант да улавя човешката уязвимост под блясъка на холивудските звезди. Нейните снимки са трогателни и красиви, независимо от темата. Ева Арнолд е родена във Филаделфия през 1912 година и е
известна като първата жена фотограф в американската фото агенция Magnum. Известна е също и като фотографката, заснела някои от най-забележителните кадри на Мерилин Монро.
Реших да публикувам малка ретроспектива в паметта на Ева, един от най-великите фотографи, чиято работа означава много за мен.
Marlene Dietrich | | |
Richard Burton & Elizabeth Taylor | | |
Paul Newman | | |
Marilyn Monroe, Photo Session, Hollywood, 1955 ©Eve Arnold |
Marilyn Monroe during the filming of "the Misfits", Nevada,1960 ©Eve Arnold | |
Eve Arnold: Art, Portrait, and Fashion Photographer. | | |
Eve Arnold was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on April 21, 1912. Eve
Arnold is an American photojournalist of Magnum Photos agency as well
as the first female member. Her interest in becoming a photographer
began in 1946 while working for a photo-finishing plant in NYC. Two
years later she learned her photography skills by an art director named
Alexi Brodovitch. Eve Arnold is mainly known for intimate images of
actress Marilyn Monroe, and she has also photographed Queen Elizabeth
II, Jacqueline Kennedy, Malcolm X, and Joan Crawford. Arnold
also travels across the world and places such as China, Britain, South
Africa, China, and even Afghanistan. In 1980, she was awarded the
Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Society of Magazine
Photographers. As well as in 1995, she was awarded as a fellow of the
Royal Photographic Society. She was also elected "Master Photographer,"
which is the world's most prestigious photographic honor, by New York's
International Center of Photography. In 1997 Eve Arnold was appointed as
a member of the Advisory Committee of the National Museum of
Photography, Film, & Television in Bradford.
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